вторник, 11 сентября 2012 г.

Sports cars rev up money for police charities - Deseret News (Salt Lake City)

SANDY -- Giant checks and handshakes were part of a ceremony onThursday, announcing more than $100,000 that had been raised for lawenforcement charities.

The money was handed out by Utah Fast Pass, a sort-of road rallywhere people in exotic sports cars drive across some of Utah's mostscenic locales for days. Some of the money raised from the eventgoes toward charities.

'It's an opportunity to raise awareness for heroes,' said EricSchanz, who drove a Corvette in the 2007 Fast Pass.

The event brought drivers from all across the country toparticipate. From July 30 to Aug. 2, they drove around the state,escorted by Utah Highway Patrol troopers.

'It isn't a speed thing,' said Utah Department of Public SafetyCommissioner Scott Duncan. 'It's more for enjoyment.'

Communities where the sports cars stopped also benefited. Morethan $50,000 was donated for community projects in Helper,Monticello, Duchesne, Moab, Huntington and Price, Utah Fast Passsaid. About $40,000 in scholarships has been handed out.

Money also went to a fund for the Utah Law Enforcement Memorialat the state Capitol building, and $135,000 went into a fund to helpthe families of fallen UHP troopers.

'There are a lot of people who've opened up their hearts andwallets,' said Tom Mabey, the chairman of the Utah Fast Pass.

The 2008 Utah Fast Pass will take place July 28-31.

E-mail: bwinslow@desnews.com